Thoughts & Tantrums > advice > To Bob Or Not to Bob… That is the Question…
To Bob Or Not to Bob… That is the Question…

So I am currently exploring the job market. Ideally, I’m looking for a manager or executive position in a media or communications company. I have over 13 years experience in the Asia, the UK and now the US, In fact, I went to grad school for exactly this reason… to be able to move up the ladder a bit more efficiently and to become a better leader. However, the other day, as I was binge watching Season 3 of House of Cards on Netflix, a thought stuck me… should I cut my hair and wear it short if I want to be taken seriously as a leader?
I’ve never seriously considered changing my looks get to get a job or get ahead at my job before. I was always confident, despite what all those career help articles say, that my experience, skills and abilities will speak louder than the way I wear my hair. But that was before I hit 30 and wanted to go after important management positions.
So I Googled the hairstyles of women leaders… be they in politics or business or media etc and guess what?! They all have short hair!
From Michelle Obama to Anna Wintour to Oprah Winfrey… it seems that almost all successful women have hair that go no futher than their shoulders.
I haven’t had short hair since I was 17. Mainly because, as strange as it sounds, for me long hair is a lot less maintainence. I mean, I just cut bangs and I’m already finding the need to visit the hairdressers every month or so for a trim to keep it out of my eyes tedious. But now, because I’ve had long hair for such a long time, it’s part of my identity. I’m not sure I’ll even feel confident enough to lead if i hacked it all off! But I also worry that I don’t seem professional enough to serious enough with long hair halfway down my back, even if I did put it up in an updo… but lets face it, there will still be days when I leave it loose as I hardly wear my hair up now anyway!
So that brings us back to the question…. to bob or not to bob? What should I do?