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Slumps and the Law of Attraction

So admittedly, I’ve been in a bit of a slump these past 6 months or so. I’m a big believer of the Law of Attraction, the idea that thoughts become things. That same begets the same. I know some think…
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To Bob Or Not to Bob… That is the Question…

So I am currently exploring the job market. Ideally, I’m looking for a manager or executive position in a media or communications company. I have over 13 years experience in the Asia, the UK and now the US, In fact,…
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A Little Bit of Fiction : Leave Right Now

I think we’ve all been there before… in a situation when you bump into an ex that you aren’t quite over yet and you’re not quite sure what to do or how to react. This piece I wrote in February…
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A Little Piece of Fiction: Falling In Love

“It is better to have Loved and Lost, than to have never have Loved at all,” – Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet. That’s a familiar quote that I think we’ve all come across at some point. People sometimes like to say…
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Saved By The Bell on Jimmy Fallon

Saved By The Bell. Growing up in Malaysia, it came on Sunday mornings along with all the other Sunday morning shows, like Clarissa and Blossom. This was a time before on-demand TV, kids! Sunday mornings in my family meant a…
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A Little Piece of Fiction: Happy

It’s been a while since I last posted anything. All I can say is that things have been really hectic the start of the year! So, I thought I’d start the year off with another piece of fiction I wrote…
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A Little Piece of Fiction : Love The Way You Lie….

This is a piece I wrote a while ago, inspired by the song of the same name. Sometimes, we see friends and loved ones in relationships that are less than ideal. Not necessarily abusive, ust not as deserving. We look…
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13 Things I’ve Learnt from Loves Lost

I posted this as a note on Facebook years ago. July 13, 2010 to be exact. I’ve looked it over again, and I still think it rings true. Let me know what you think! ____________________________________________________________________________________ If i had to do…
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Dreams are a Waste of Time!

So today, while getting sucked into the Book of Faces (Facebook), I came across this article. In short, its a post about a 46 year old man who has suddenly realized that he is middle aged, and has a life…
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3 Things to Remember Before Taking Advice

There is an abundance of advice out there and even more people willing to dispense it. If you’re just starting out in a certain field, you’re probably actively seeking advice and eagerly drinking it all in. However, you might want…
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